100% Natural
Registered with the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Authority
very safe for adults and children
Alcohol-free - Aluminum and Prabines - Formaldehyde
100% Natural
Registered with the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Authority
very safe for adults and children
Alcohol-free - Aluminum and Prabines - Formaldehyde
100% Natural
Registered with the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Authority
very safe for adults and children
Alcohol-free - Aluminum and Prabines - Formaldehyde
About Us
Dizurde Is An Egyptian brand of deodorants and moisturizing creams that consist of 100% natural materials and are safe for all skin types.

About Us
Dizurde Is An Egyptian brand of deodorants and moisturizing creams that consist of 100% natural materials and are safe for all skin types.

About Us
Dizurde Is An Egyptian brand of deodorants and moisturizing creams that consist of 100% natural materials and are safe for all skin types.

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Moisturizing Cream
Dizurde moisturizing cream that will help you keep your skin moisturized, brightened and smooth
Your skin renews itself almost daily and new skin cells are more susceptible than others to dryness and skin diseases , So it is very important to moisturize your skin constantly with Dizurde Moisturizing Cream rich in natural oils from the goodness of nature with vitamin (E) which will help you keep your skin freshness, softness and youthful all day long

Moisturizing Cream
Dizurde moisturizing cream that will help you keep your skin moisturized, brightened and smooth
Your skin renews itself almost daily and new skin cells are more susceptible than others to dryness and skin diseases , So it is very important to moisturize your skin constantly with Dizurde Moisturizing Cream rich in natural oils from the goodness of nature with vitamin (E) which will help you keep your skin freshness, softness and youthful all day long

Moisturizing Cream
Dizurde moisturizing cream that will help you keep your skin moisturized, brightened and smooth
Your skin renews itself almost daily and new skin cells are more susceptible than others to dryness and skin diseases , So it is very important to moisturize your skin constantly with Dizurde Moisturizing Cream rich in natural oils from the goodness of nature with vitamin (E) which will help you keep your skin freshness, softness and youthful all day long
Deodorant Cream
Dizurde Deodorant Cream For all the members of the family – with varied and different French perfumes,It is characterized by its long and safe effectiveness, and that is why it has properties than other types of deodorant.Because of its unique composition, it eliminates bacteria that cause sweat odor and does not cause pores to be clogged like other creams that depend on locking the pores. As the pores are clogged, the pores prevent the natural sweating process, thus preventing the expulsion of toxins from the body. The cream also contains a vitamin that acts as an antioxidant and protects the skin. Your nutrition contains medical zinc oxide as a whitening substance and also contains antisensitives that prevent skin irritation and itching, and it contains moisturizing and nourishing substances for the skin and does not contain any harmful substances to the skin.

Deodorant Cream
Dizurde Deodorant Cream For all the members of the family – with varied and different French perfumes,It is characterized by its long and safe effectiveness, and that is why it has properties than other types of deodorant.Because of its unique composition, it eliminates bacteria that cause sweat odor and does not cause pores to be clogged like other creams that depend on locking the pores. As the pores are clogged, the pores prevent the natural sweating process, thus preventing the expulsion of toxins from the body. The cream also contains a vitamin that acts as an antioxidant and protects the skin. Your nutrition contains medical zinc oxide as a whitening substance and also contains antisensitives that prevent skin irritation and itching, and it contains moisturizing and nourishing substances for the skin and does not contain any harmful substances to the skin.

Deodorant Cream
Dizurde Deodorant Cream For all the members of the family – with varied and different French perfumes,It is characterized by its long and safe effectiveness, and that is why it has properties than other types of deodorant.Because of its unique composition, it eliminates bacteria that cause sweat odor and does not cause pores to be clogged like other creams that depend on locking the pores. As the pores are clogged, the pores prevent the natural sweating process, thus preventing the expulsion of toxins from the body. The cream also contains a vitamin that acts as an antioxidant and protects the skin. Your nutrition contains medical zinc oxide as a whitening substance and also contains antisensitives that prevent skin irritation and itching, and it contains moisturizing and nourishing substances for the skin and does not contain any harmful substances to the skin.
Our Hand & Skin Moisturizing Cream
With Shea Butter And Vitamin E
Our Hand & Skin Moisturizing Cream
With Shea Butter And Vitamin E
Our Hand & Skin Moisturizing Cream
With Shea Butter And Vitamin E

Our Derodorant Cream
Our Derodorant Cream
Our Derodorant Cream

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